Creabesitas: ‘School kills creativity’ |

“Traditioneel onderwijs is funest voor de creativiteit…”

De afgelopen jaren heb ik verschillende mensen woorden van deze strekking horen uitspreken. Diverse filmpjes passeerden mijn ogen en oren die deze uitspraak ondersteunen.

Het prikkelt me nu om het onderwerp ‘school’ verder uit te diepen aan de hand van de lijst ‘wat creatieve mensen anders doen’ en door deze filmpjes met jou te delen:

Creatieve mensen bekijken de wereld door de ogen van een kind

Punt 4 op de lijst van 22 eigenschappen van creatieve mensen is:

“4. They watch the world with the eyes of a childThere’s a part of them that never grows up, and maybe this is the real secret, observing the world with the eyes of a child.”

Graag voeg ik daar nog iets aan toe: creatieve mensen bekijken de wereld door de ogen van een kind, dat nog niet naar een traditionele school is geweest… Waarom?

Omdat de creativiteit van kinderen nog zuiver aanwezig is voordat ze voor het eerst in aanraking komen met het traditionele onderwijssysteem dat niet meer past bij het kind van nu. Voordat ik nu heel veel leerkrachten die keihard werken om hun werk goed te doen, beledig en tegen mij in het harnas jaag: het is het systeem dat niet meer bij de meeste kinderen past.

En met de meeste kinderen bedoel ik: de kinderen die hun aandacht op meer plekken tegelijk kunnen hebben en zich dus niet kunnen concentreren op het ‘saaie’ schoolwerk, de kinderen met ADHD, de kinderen die goed zijn in muziek, sport, tekenen of andere creatieve vakken.

Deze kinderen hebben andere vormen van onderwijs nodig, anders is het funest voor hun creativiteit. Ouders en begeleiders, zoals leerkrachten, huisartsen, kinderartsen en onderwijsbegeleiders, hebben de verantwoordelijkheid om de creativiteit in het kind volledig tot uiting te laten komen en hun sterke kanten nog sterker te maken.

Niet de verantwoordelijkheid om de creativiteit te onderdrukken zodat het kind past in het systeem en ze de zwaktes proberen op te schroeven tot gemiddelde waarden, waarmee direct de sterktes naar beneden getrokken worden.

Sterktes versus zwaktes

Uit een lezing door Tom van ‘t Hek, voormalig bondscoach van het Nederlands vrouwenhockeyteam, heb ik jaren geleden het volgende onthouden: medailles win je niet door de zwaktes van de spelers te proberen ontwikkelen naar sterktes. Je wint medailles door de sterktes te verbeteren en een team samen te stellen waar alle verschillende sterktes de zwaktes van elkaar opvangen en door zo optimaal samen te werken.

Bekijk de TED talk van LoganIs het zo vreselijk om een 4 te halen voor rekenen terwijl je geweldig bent in het bedenken Bekijk de TED talk van Loganvan oplossingen voor een beter milieu? Wat is er mis met een motorische stoornis als je de volgende Einstein in de dop bent?

En is het adviseren van ADHD-medicatie nodig voor een meisje van 8 dat verdrietig is omdat ze gepest wordt door een klasgenootje? Een oplossing voor het hele probleem zou thuisonderwijs kunnen zijn, zoals Logan Laplante van 13 jaar nu geniet, sinds hij op 9-jarige leeftijd door zijn ouders uit het traditionele schoolsysteem is gehaald en nu zijn eigen ‘Hack-school’ heeft ontwikkeld.

Helaas is het in Nederland niet zomaar toegestaan om je kind van school te halen en thuisonderwijs te geven.

Op Wikipedia onder thuisonderwijs vond ik samengevat de volgende informatie: ‘Er zijn wetsartikelen door middel waarvan vrijstelling van inschrijving op een school kan ontstaan, als ouders geen school in hun omgeving kunnen vinden die overeenkomt met hun eigen levensovertuiging’.

lees het hele artikel via Creabesitas: ‘School kills creativity’ |

Boy, 10, Steals Parents Car to Visit Grandpa, Crashes, Tells Cop Hes a Dwarf Who Forgot His License

I cant wait to see what this kid grows up to be. This kid is going places, maybe not his grandfathers house… But places.

Hes going to go far in life… or end up in jail. Either way hes one of “us” for sure.While his parents were sleeping, this 10-year-old put his 18-month-old sister in and sole his parents car, hoping to make it to his grandparents house—some 38 miles away from the boys home.

Then he crashed it, and told responding police officers he was a dwarf whod forgotten his drivers license.He had made it about six miles before driving off the road into a ditch.The boy told the police that he was a dwarf and that he had forgotten his drivers license at home, said Baard Christiansen, a spokesman for the Vest Oppland police district, according to the Independent. The children were not injured in the crash, and there was no damage to the car.

read the rest of the story via Boy, 10, Steals Parents Car to Visit Grandpa, Crashes, Tells Cop Hes a Dwarf Who Forgot His License.

Kate of Gaia | In The Mirror

Babylon Is Fallenby

kate u/v kaia1.

NAME: The master key to the entire system’s/CROWN CORPORATION’S game. The NAME is the lynch pin to the entire legal/control construct. Without a LEGAL NAME, which is your consent by agreeing to be said NAME, the system vampires cannot literally feed on your life blood/creation source energy that is typically shown in the physical materials we collect. It is only the CONSENT to be/use/have a LEGAL NAME/Mark of the Beast that is required for your absolute spiritual contract/deal with the devil motif to be in FULL FORCE AND EFFECT with you as a SLAVE and them as MASTER. For PROOF of this, look and see how much of your life/existence involves a LEGAL NAME and you will see the measure of control the system has over you.

2. REGISTER/REGISTRATION etc. : Any/all things registered are FULLY SURRENDERED with consent to the CROWN CORPORATION with NO legal recourse until such things are removed by exposing the INTENT by those who serve the CROWN CORPORATION to commit fraud knowingly/unknowingly.ex: A child that is REGISTERED is CROWN PROPERTY by ignorant consent where the truth of REGISTERING was not brought forth which is the original INTENT by CROWN CORPORATION SERVANT’S OWNERS to have people offer their children unknowingly into slavery of soul, and thus, body. It’s the soul they’re really after, so keep that in mind.

3. MONEY, GOLD, SILVER, ASSETS, BITCOIN etc. are ALL illusions of value where YOU are the true creator of all physical manifestations. Money, external value, has been the tool as the third party interloper “middle man” that has made draining your power possible. Money or the like only has value if one has been duped into thinking it does. This illusion is the ultimate distraction and destroyer of creator souls, literally.

ALL money is based on the soul CONTRACT commonly known as a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

read everything about Babylon is Fallen via Kate of Gaia | In The Mirror.

432 to Zero – Healing Music by Dr. Joe Vitale and Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon

Amazing Breakthrough NEW Album from The Secret movie star and bestselling author Dr. Joe Vitale and Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon

If you loved the bestselling healing music albums At Zero and Aligning to Zero, then wait until you hear the most Divinely inspired of them all

This heaven sent new album of love is based on modern science and Divine inspiration — and breaks open a shocking conspiracy theory to deliver what may be the most exquisite healing music ever!

read more about this spectacular miraculous wonderful phenomena via 432 to Zero – Healing Music by Dr. Joe Vitale and Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon.

Teleporteren kan echt | RTL Nieuws

Mensen teleporteren zoals in de serie Star Trek, is nog niet mogelijk. Maar informatie teleporteren is dankzij wetenschappers van de TU Delft nu geen sciencefiction meer.

Door het toepassen van kwantummechanica zijn de wetenschappers erin geslaagd om over een afstand van drie meter informatie volkomen veilig en niet afluisterbaar te versturen door teleportatie.

Geen verbinding tussen computersWat daarbij belangrijk is om te weten, is dat de data over die afstand niet door de tussenliggende ruimte reisde. De informatie is dus als het ware van de ene computer naar de andere gezonden, zonder dat er een verbinding was tussen die twee computers – niet vast en ook niet draadloos.

Kwantumfysici hebben het over het verschijnsel verstrengeling als ze uitleggen hoe teleportatie werkt. “Eigenlijk begrijpt niemand wat er bij verstrengeling gebeurt”, geeft professor Ronald Hanson toe. “We weten wel dat het bestaat, dat is algemeen aanvaard onder natuurkundigen.”Ongelijk Einstein bewijzen”

We begrijpen wiskundig wel hoe het werkt, we kunnen het uitrekenen. Maar omdat er geen analogie bestaat met iets dat we uit het dagelijks leven kennen, is het niet in woorden te vatten. Het komt er grofweg op neer dat twee deeltjes, ook al zijn ze ver van elkaar verwijderd, op elkaar reageren.”

lees meer via Teleporteren kan echt | RTL Nieuws.

Chatter of the Masses | Proctor Gallagher Institute

Reader’s Digest is a great publication. It always has a number of articles that are mentally stimulating. The following lines were picked up from a Reader’s Digest a number of years ago.

Small minds talk about people.

Average minds talk about events.

Great minds talk about ideas.

I have come to believe this is fairly accurate. I suppose we all fall into the first two categories; talking about people and events periodically.

However, have you ever noticed that those two categories dominate the conversation of most people? Listen carefully and you will hear a buzz of meaningless noise going on around you almost constantly.It would almost appear as if people were under some obligation to talk whether they had anything to say or not. I refer to this as the chatter of the masses.

If you are not mentally on guard without noticing it happen, you will be swept into this useless waste of time and energy.If you don’t consciously and deliberately create order in your mind, your environment or the people surrounding you will dictate your mental state of being.Observe those who are surrounding you on any given occasion.

Their conversation and actions could very easily change completely four or five times in less than a minute.

If you think I am exaggerating, check this out for yourself or possibly get involved with a few people in conversation and deliberately change the topic as often as possible over four or five times a minute.

If you don’t tell them what you are doing, they will never notice but they will willingly follow.What does this mean? Well, your mind is the greatest power in the universe. If you’re not diligent you will waste it and go nowhere.

Consciously choose to associate with those great souls who discuss BIG Ideas. Your life will never be the same.

Bob Proctor

sign up with bob proctor via Chatter of the Masses | Proctor Gallagher Institute.

Lemon & Baking Soda Shown To Be Powerful Healing Combination | Collective-Evolution

In an age where cancer rates are rising incredibly fast, the need for alternative treatments is becoming even more prominent. Research is being put into a number of different avenues with one supporting Dr. Marty Pagel, PhD, from the University of Arizona Cancer Center, who will test the effects of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) on breast cancer patients. He is receiving a $ 2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to find to perform the study.

An important note to understand right off the top- any treatment for cancer will react differently in various patients and also to various types of cancers. Traditional methods can work well on some cancers and terribly on others. The same can be said for various natural cures. On top of this fact, the state of the human body receiving treatment with either method also plays a big role. Do they have access to clean organic food? Clean water? Do they believe and feel they can overcome their disease? These are all important factors with any treatment.

A number of studies in the past have shown interesting in vivo results surrounding the use of sodium bi-carbonate on cancer tumors. While research is not fully complete on the matter, early results are already showing some powerful effects of tumor metastasis. This of course encourages funding for further research as early signs are looking good.

via Lemon & Baking Soda Shown To Be Powerful Healing Combination | Collective-Evolution.

This 122 Year Old Woman Has The Most Important Secret To A Life Of Longevity | Collective-Evolution

The primary determinant of health for the average person is thought. Not genetics, not exercise or nutrition, but the mind. This has been shown over and over again by the scientific fields of psychoneuroimmunology, psychoneurocardiology, psychoneuroendocrinology, not to mention cancer research and all the various psychosomatic disorders that have been studied.

If you doubt that thought affects health then I will be happy to have a truckload of research evidence dumped at your doorstep (at your expense) that you can take the next few years perusing. On second thought, why don’t I just relate a story.

The oldest documented person that ever lived was a French woman named Jeanne Calment who made it to 122 years, 164 days on this earth.

What was her secret? According to French researcher Jean-Marie Robine, “She never did anything special to stay in good health.”

Jeanne Calment smoked cigarettes (started at age 21), drank port wine and ate a couple of pounds of chocolate sweets a week until she was 119 years old.

read more via This 122 Year Old Woman Has The Most Important Secret To A Life Of Longevity | Collective-Evolution.

This 8 year old kid uses crystal grids to transmute negative energy and explains how it works | Spirit Science

The children of today are rumored to be far more consciously adept than our previous generations.  If thats true this might be a piece of supporting evidence of that.

In this video, 8 year old Adam introduces his latest crystal grid, which he calls a “web” grid. It pulls in dark energy and transmutes it to the light.

via This 8 year old kid uses crystal grids to transmute negative energy and explains how it works | Spirit Science.

German Catholic Priest, Stefan Hartmann, Asks Pope Francis To Waive His Vow Of Celibacy

German priest Stefan Hartmann has sent a personal petition to Pope Francis asking him to waive his vow of celibacy, which he posted on his Facebook page.

As Francis continues his leadership of the Catholic Church, many have wondered whether there will be a change in the requirement of priestly celibacy, a practice which has gone on for hundreds of years.

Hartmann secretly fathered a daughter in 1989, eight years after he took his vow of celibacy, reports The He revealed her existence on a televised talk show in January of this year, causing his superiors to ask him to step down from his position. However, he seeks a path which will allow him to remain a priest while raising his daughter in a family.

In the letter, Hartmann asked to be released from the traditional oath “in acknowledgement of my weaknesses and failures, with all due humility and after long consideration of my conscience and personal situation.”

In another post about priestly celibacy, Hartmann argues that allowing Catholic priests to remain ordained outside of celibacy vows would “bring solutions and relief in many cases.”

“There is a human right to partnership, marriage and parenthood, even if you can forego it willingly for religious reasons,” he said.

read the entire article via German Catholic Priest, Stefan Hartmann, Asks Pope Francis To Waive His Vow Of Celibacy.